Saturday, 26 November 2011

Fright Night @ Lakeside

On 21st of October 2011, Taylor's ADP celebrated Halloween at Taylor's Lakeside Campus. In conjunction with the Fright Night event ,the Engineering Society of ADP decided to build an electric chair. This electric chair was used during the opening ceremony of Fright Night. After that, at was placed at a booth for passers-by to try it out or to challenge their friends to try the electric chair. The response from the crowd was much more than we expected and everyone had fun trying it out because this experience you cannot get it elsewhere as it comes from the hard work of our own Engineering society members who assembled the chair.

Below are come pictures from where we started from scratch till the chair is completed. 
Engineers in the Making:

Completed chair:

After this event, we manage to enhance the reputation of Engineering Society and more people now know about our club. If you want to know more about how we did the chair and the mechanics behind the chair, you are welcome to join us in our coming projects. There are many more projects coming up and it will be LEGENDARY. =)

p.s. "Trust us, We're FUTURE Engineers" :)

Have a nice day.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Trip to Malaysian Nuclear Agency

Hey guys!
On 17 November 2011, ADP Engineering Society will be having a trip to Malaysian Nuclear Agency. This trip is limited to 40 people only and will be based on first come first serve basis. We will be leaving Lakeside campus at 1.30pm but you will have to gather in front of the ADP Office at 1.15pm. The trip will end at 5pm. It is open only to Engineering Society members.
Basically, what we will be visiting is the only research reaktor there is in Malaysia.
If you are interested in going for this trip, please email the following details to
1) your full name
2) IC Number (for malaysian) or Passport Number (for non-malaysian)
3) contact number
Thank you.

Monday, 7 November 2011

ADP 15th Anniversary 2011

On 9th July 2011, Taylor's ADP celebrated their 15th anniversary at Taylor's Lakeside Campus. The Engineering Society of ADP were also involved in this huge celebration and had contributed by making a bicycle powered generator. This bicycle generator was on display during the concert and is open to public to try it out. A competition is made from this project and the individual who can blow a ball out from the tube with the fastest time is considered the winner.

Here are some pictures from the start of the project till the day it was displayed.

Enjoy =)

In the process of making the bicycle powered generator:

On the day of ADP 15th Anniversary:
Finished product of the Bicycle Powered Generator

Trying out the bicycle

I hope you guys got inspired by the pictures and will start thinking and develop more fresh ideas for future projects to be done by Engineering Society. Do join us and try to make an impression to the world and also get hands-on experiences on how engineers would do their work.

Taylor's ADP Engineering Society @ ADP 15th Anniversary

p.s. "Trust us, We're FUTURE Engineers" :)

Have a nice day.